Ideas for Using Multiple Planners and (Bullet) Journals

It's the beginning of 2018 and with every new year comes fresh new planners and (bullet) journals!
If you're like us, you definitely have more than one. In the coming weeks, we'll each share in-depth setups and usage of our multiple planners and/or (bullet) journals along with our own planning systems and styles.
For now, here are some ideas that you might want to use for your own planners and bullet journals. You can be as specific or as general as you want.
Nutrition / Fitness / Health Planning
Blogilates recently released a free printable workout planner printable. 3 Years Apart also has some free fitness bullet journal printable downloads and Etsy Fitness Sticker sets.
Study / School
Fandom Planner
Challenges (Handwriting, art, etc)
Helen did a lettering challenge #llleverydamnday which you can see if you scroll down far enough on our Instagram.
Those are a few examples, but the point is, the list of things you could do are nearly endless! Here are some more:
Sticker Spread
Memory Journal
Gratitude Journal
Movies Watched / Books Read / Games Played Journal
On the Go
To Do Lists
Budget Planner
Financial Planner/Tracker
Wellness Planner/Tracker
Event Planner
Wedding Planner
Holiday/Christmas Planner
Reading Log
Morning Pages Journaling
Pet Planner
Home Planner
Family Planner
Meal Planner
Habit Tracker
Goals Planner
Blog Planner
Social Media Planner
YouTube Planner
Garden Planner
Craft/Project Planner
Personal Life Planner
Medication/Conditions/Symptoms Planner
Bible/Scripture Planner
If you'd like some help choosing, here's a good article by The Rach Mark on how she chooses and uses multiple planners. Basically, you find what you want to do and choose what works for you.
Happy Planning!
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